quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2012

quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2012

símbolo do último grande concerto de 2012

começou sem som para o vocalista, e acabou com a última foto =)
no pavilhão Atlântico.

bola de espelhos

terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012

estamos atrasados, mas a fazer história acontecer

ONU aprova resolução que condena mutilação genital feminina

"pede aos Estados membros penas e ação educativa para travar a prática"
"que redobrem esforços de forma a aumentar a consciencialização e combater atitudes dos que defendem a ablação do clítoris feminino"

"declarado o dia 06 de fevereiro como o Dia Internacional da Tolerância Zero contra a Mutilação Genital Feminina"

in http://www.ionline.pt/mundo/onu-aprova-resolucao-condena-mutilacao-genital-feminina

este blog aprova!! =D

segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012

mas quando é que este ridículo deixa de acontecer?

Arábia Saudita. Sistema informa maridos da saída das mulheres do país

in http://www.ionline.pt/mundo/arabia-saudita-sistema-informa-maridos-da-saida-das-mulheres-pais

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012

Tableau de Wagner dans la vitrine de la Galerie Romi

by Robert Doisneau.
currently at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma, until 3/02/2013

terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012

Robert Doisneau

his widely famous picture:

Il Bacio dell' Hotel de Ville

lego version:

from http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/doisneau?before=1352551225

out of context #7 (?)

"His soul had hardened even more than his body,and he had become cynical and contemptuous."

in The Winter of the World, Ken Follett

been listening to

Oh Land and Robyn =)

women around the globe


More than 2 million women and girls in Colombia have been driven from their homes by the horrific violence associated with the country’s armed conflict. But after fleeing armed groups, many women cannot escape violence and abuse.
Domestic abuse rates are particularly high among displaced women, who also face sexual violence by attackers outside the home. Women leaders who fight for their communities’ rights are targeted for rape. Abused women often don’t know about their rights to health care, although government programs exist to help them. And despite Colombia’s laws protecting women, their attackers are rarely brought to justice.

more in: http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/11/14/colombia-obstacles-care-abused-displaced-women

picture from google

The tragic death of a woman denied an abortion in Ireland should catalyze the Irish government to fulfill its international human rights obligation to ensure access to safe and legal abortions. Savita Halappanavar, 31, who was 17 weeks pregnant, died from septicemia on October 28, 2012 at a hospital in Galway after she was refused an abortion and miscarried.

By permitting
women who are entitled to obtain a legal abortion to do so, Ireland would be making progress on its pledge during its recent successful bid to win a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council to strengthen human rights within Ireland.

more in: http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/11/16/ireland-death-woman-denied-abortion-should-spur-reform

picture from the Telegraph, online

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2012

it's been soo nice

Veneza da ponte do Rialto ao entardecer (pelas 16h50)

Sigg com vista para a Ponte Vecchio, Florença

Coliseu de Roma 

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

para algo diferente

Barcarolle, de Offenbach 
(Chopin também criou uma Barcarolle, mas solo de piano
Barcarolle - música popular cantada pelos gondoleiros venezianos, de acordo com Wikipédia)

tradução da letra:

Time flies by, and carries away
Our tender caresses for ever!
Time flies far from this happy oasis
And does not return.

Burning zephyrs,
Embrace us with your caresses!
Burning zephyrs,
Give us your kisses!
Your kisses! Your kisses! Ah!

Lovely night, oh night of love,
Smile upon our joys!
Night much sweeter than the day,
Oh beautiful night of love!
Ah! Smile upon our joys!
Night of love, oh night of love!